There are a slew of tutorials out there for Boppy covers, a lot with zippers, some with velcro or ties. This is just another way to make one.
Let me start by saying that I hate - I mean
hate sewing zippers. If there's a way around them, I'll find it or I just won't sew it in. I suppose it's because they intimidate me or I've just never been taught, or rather, never took the time to learn. Probably the latter.
So, my newest sister in law is having a baby girl and I'm trying to unload as much of my baby stuff on her as I can before my other SIL gives her her old stuff and I'm stuck with all this baby stuff I don't want to take the time to get rid of myself. And with that came a hideous boppy with a cute blue cover and since it would just be wrong to have a sweet baby girl nursing on a blue striped boppy, we made a cover without a zipper. Well, she provided the fleece fabric and kept me company while I sewed. :)
First, I took the old cover off and folded it in half so I could trace a pattern onto tissue paper. I traced it about 3/4" bigger all the way around for seam allowance. Next, I traced another end so that it would overlap to create a pocket.
Next, I traced another end so that it would overlap to create a pocket.Here's the peices:
I cut out two of the large piece and on one of them (the bottom piece) cut off the tip of one side. And I cut just one of the little piece. Putting the two peices together should create and overlap that will stay open so the boppy pillow will slip inside the case.
For the edges that will create the opening, I sewed a 1/4" seam. And then I failed to take a picture of the actual sewing, but I swear I'll get it in here when I create another cover because they are insanley easy. With right sides together, sew all the way around the fabric with a 1/4" seam. Don't worry about leaving an opening, the overlapped pieces will create a pocket.
Slip in the boppy cover to the cute new one and wa-la-- a boppy cover created without a zipper. Don't you just love work arounds?